We hope everyone is enjoying a great start to their summer. Just because the academic year is over, it doesn’t mean that scouting stops until September.

Our first summer event is our Walton Firs Activity Day on Sunday 30th July. This was originally advertised to Cubs and older Beavers but with spaces available we would like to open this up to any Scouts interested in attending on Sunday. We will be trying out caving, crate-stacking and completing an assault course. Get in touch with either Ken (Cub leader) or Rich (Beaver leader) if you are interested in attending.

Later in the summer our Scouts are off for summer camp in Norfolk between Saturday 19th and Sunday 26th August. We hope you all have a great time!


We have had a fabulous end to our first full term as a Beaver colony. We are sad to say goodbye to Harvey and Spencer as they move away from Berrylands and want to say a big thank you to Grant for your help getting the group going. 

At the request of our lodge leaders and assistant leaders we have started our Photographer Badge. Don’t forget to take lots of photos over summer ready for the Autumn term when we will be creating a gallery and judging our photo competition. As a reminder the categories are: (1) My summer, (2) My toy’s adventure, (3) Nature. We are looking to seeing lots of creative entries!

We had two particularly fun sessions at the end of term, first with out Water Games evening where we had great fun getting soaked in the garden and then our end of term family sausage sizzle where it was great to invite along parents, carers and siblings to see what we get up to at Beavers.

Have a great summer everyone and we will see you in September!


From the half-term holiday at the start of June through to the end of term at the end of July, the Cubs of Berrylands Scout Group have embarked on adventures, earned badges and created memories along the way.  

(a) Group Camp – Two-thirds of our spirited cubs attended the Group Camp. Under our old-fashioned Icelandic tents, they bonded as one, participating in thrilling spy-themed games, campfire singalongs and general engaging in good-natured cub fun. Our cubs were paragons of virtue, shining examples for their Beaver companions and forging bonds with the experienced Scouts. All praise goes to the devoted parent volunteers who toiled tirelessly to make this event a reality for the 80 or so campers who attended. We endeavoured to ensure that every cub was comfortable and content, offering a listening ear to soothe any worries or woes. Witnessing their kindness and care for each other warmed everyone’s hearts, especially for those cubs experiencing their first taste of adventure away from home. These camping experiences are the bedrock of scouting, leaving indelible memories that will accompany them throughout life.

(b) Summer Fair – The air brimmed with excitement as Cubs and parents united to make our Berrylands Festival an unprecedented success. The devoted parents contributed boundless hours to the organizing committee and ran the stalls with utmost dedication. While the final figures of the net profit remains unknown, one thing is certain – the fair’s triumph left our cubs tired but beaming with joy. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all involved.

(c) Pioneer Badge – A special guest graced our hall, Finbarr Leahy from 2nd Malden, a seasoned cub leader and former merchant navy officer. Accompanied by his son Jacob, they taught knots to our cubs particularly the reef knot.  The cubs took part in while games of tug of war which got them thinking about the strength of a humble rope. They also made friendship bracelets out of Berrylands green, purple, and white threads. It was great to see some of them still wearing these tokens weeks later too. Knots, rope knowledge, and safety under tension – these are the hallmarks of cubs, and we are indebted to Finbarr and Jacob for their inspiring visit.

(d) First Aid Badge – Invaluable lifesaving skills were imparted as the Cubs learned the basics of first aid. They learned to call for help, whom to call, and what to convey to the 999/112 operator, helping unconscious individuals, stopping bleeding, and crafting slings from our Berrylands cubs’ scarves, these were all part of their newfound repertoire. Many thanks to Emilie’s mum, Sophie, a Medical Midwife Sonographer for testing the cubs’ skills.  

(e) Walton Firs – Mark your calendars for 30th July, when our cubs and elder beavers will venture together to the Walton Firs activity centre. Caving, crate-stacking, and the exhilarating assault course await, promising a morning of thrilling escapades. £8 per child grants entry, and we encourage each cub to pack their lunch, a water bottle, hat, and sunblock. This joint venture between our two younger sections will help to foster friendships when the time comes for the next generation of cubs to join our ranks.

(f) T-Shirts – Thank you to Beaver leader Rich who is orchestrating the creation of splendid t-shirts. I extend heartfelt thanks to Cameron’s mum, Sarah Jane, for her guiding hand in this endeavour for our cherished cubs.

(g) River day – Berrylands hosts the South East River Trust on 16 August 2023. The Trust offers a day of river-related fun and activities for our beavers, cubs and scouts and their friends and families, based at our Hall and spending most of the day at or near the Elmbridge Meadows section of the River Hogsmill, which guarantees to be fun and educational. More details of this free event will follow.

Lastly, we bid a fond farewell to the indomitable Sue Jones, a beloved fixture and splendid fellow-volunteer at Cubs. With a lifetime of wisdom from her experiences at Christ Church Primary School and beyond, Sue bestowed her care and expertise upon our Cubs each week, enriching their lives with her nurturing presence. As Sue and her husband embark on a new chapter in Hampshire, we bid them a peaceful and joyous retirement. Her memory shall linger fondly, and she shall be missed by Ben, myself, the young leaders and the Cubs, whose hearts she touched.

In the world of cubs, every badge and adventure enriches the lives of these young girls and boys, sowing seeds of camaraderie and courage. As the curtain falls on the 2022/3 academic year, we eagerly await the next instalment of their splendid journey.

Wishing you all a happy, restful and fun summer,

Best wishes

Ken, Ben, Sue (for the last time), Finlay, Oscar, Aidan and Ben


Hi everyone.

On Friday 23rd June at the begging of the meeting we had Jean, (head of the district air riffle club) come down to the Scout Hall and present a 2nd and 3rd place medal for the district air riffle competition. Well done to all that took part in the district air riffle competition.

We also invested two new Scouts into the Troop (welcome and I hope you enjoy Scouts) bringing our numbers up to 24 invested Scouts with 4 more to invest next term.

As you all know we had the summer festival on Sunday 2 nd July. The Scouts help to setup, run two stalls, and pack up at the end. Can I say a big thankyou to all the Scouts and to all the other people who help at this very impenitent event.

Over the past month the Scouts have been working on there communicators badge, learning about two-way radios, morse code, semaphore etc.

We had our annual end of term BBQ on Friday 21 st with 32 kids and 26 adults attending. I hope you all had a good time. On the same night we had our summer camp meeting to go thought all the details about summer camp.

There is only one event over the next month and that is the Scouts one week summer camp. Saturday 19th August to Saturday 26th.

Scouts starts again on Friday 8th September.

All, have a good summer break.

Thanks Eric Banks (SL)

Goodbye Sue!

Sadly, as the school term ends, we say goodbye to Sue Jones who is leaving Cubs where she has been helping as a leader.

“I’m Sue and I have been proud and lucky to be part of Berrylands Scout Group for 2 years. I worked at the local school and heard about the great times the children were having and wanted to be part of it too.

I am moving away and sadly cannot continue here but will definitely check out Scouts in my new area.

Cubs is amazing as it allows children to have fun, take risks and feel able to be themselves with loads of laughter.

If you have a spare hour or two each week I recommend you give Scouts a try as volunteers are always needed and welcomed. It is a great organisation with amazing people and there are lots of opportunities to discover and do for yourself. Go for it!”

Thank you to Sue for all your hard work. All of the Cubs greatly appreciate the effort you have put in. We wish you all the best with your move.